The Right Options in Underfloor Insulation


Today, there are many ways to organize Under floor Insulation UK. Floor heating is combined with different floor materials. Linoleum is no exception. This material has many advantages, because for its combination with a warm floor it is not necessary to flood the screed if you decide to install an infrared heated floor. In this article we will see the features of creating a warm floor under linoleum with your hands, based on IR film.

Infrared floor Why really him?

Such material as linoleum requires uniform and regular heating. So at 1 m 2 the heating power should be 150 watts. This will avoid many negative consequences associated with damage to the flooring. If the linoleum is subjected to intense thermal stresses, the following may occur:

  • Delaminated material due to expansion
  • Change the color
  • It will release harmful substances in the air, such as phenol
  • Soften, which will lead to a quick turn of the coating

All the requirements for heating linoleum correspond to infrared underfloor heating. It is worth noting that the laying of IR films under linoleum does not require special knowledge. All the work can be done by hand.

Mounting material for the IR film

In order for all the work to run smoothly, it is necessary to purchase and prepare all the construction material necessary for laying the film under linoleum:

  • IR films.
  • Insulation and contact terminals.
  • Temperature sensor
  • Electrical wiring
  • Heat-reflecting material, such as infraflex, penoterm, izolon and others.
  • Simple and double-sided tape.
  • Wood fiber and other similar material.

Aluminum foil should not be used as a heat reflective material. Thermal insulation should be soft. Most materials are sold with an infrared film, so only a portion of the list needs to be purchased. If you have everything ready, you can proceed with the installation.

Assembly work

All the work for laying the infrared film under linoleum can be divided into several phases:

  • Installation / connection of the heating circuit.
  • Lying of linoleum.

Consider each phase in its sequence:

  • First you need to create a project room. It is important to indicate the position of the furniture on it, as large items should not be installed on the IR film.
  • If necessary, the floor must be leveled, making a finishing screed.
  • In the next phase of the preparatory work, the material that reflects the heat is laid. The cloths should be connected to each other with scotch tape.
  • Then a thermofilm is cut. This will help you carry out the project, the position of the film and the size of each section must be specified in advance.
  • The size of a strip must be between 17 cm and 8 m. To avoid a high number of scraps, it is important to consider the position of the film in order to obtain the longest segments.

After all the preparatory work, you can start laying the infrared film. This process takes place in the following sequence:

It will take time for the film to adapt to its weight. This is because the formation of an air space between the film and the heat reflecting material cannot be allowed. Among the segments of the IR film should be a small distance. This will ensure uniform heating of the floor covered with linoleum.