All You Need To Know About Wood Fired Hot Tubs


Everyone loves to take a hot bath now and then.

The reason is simple to understand –

When your body is being subjected to hot water baths, all your muscles will relax. This is the reason why people who often have trouble sleeping can give themselves a break if they take a hot water bath just before hitting the bed.

On that note, in recent years, people are showing an increasing interest in wood-fired hot tubs over the more modern electric-powered hot tubs. As per market researchers who conducted surveys using target groups consisting of purists, wood fired hot tubs offer a person a soothing and relaxing experience that modern electric hot tubs cannot offer.

People might think that this particular variant of hot tub might be suitable for people who live in rural locations where firewood is aplenty but that is not the case as people living in urban locations, especially here in the UK prefer wood burning hot tubs.


Well, due to the following reasons –

Compared to electric-powered hot tubs, wood-burning hot tubs are cheaper to run and maintain. One would not need to pay for expensive chemicals in a bid to keep the water in the hot tub suitable for repeated use. One can simply drain the water after soaking in for one or two times.

Compared to modern hot tubs, wood-burning hot tubs are known for their rustic aesthetic appeal. Their style entices even the most modern individuals who have taken dips in electric hot tubs or spas and lavish hotels. On top of this, compared to electric hot tubs, wood-burning hot tubs are made using long-lasting materials, and the best part; they can resist even the harshest of natural weather conditions.

Compared to electricity, wood is a sustainable and renewable natural resource. On top of this, when the wood is burnt, it releases CO2 which is similar to the content that it would release if it was left to rot out in the elements. Furthermore, the amount of CO2 a power plant releases, especially the ones that are running on coal, is much more compared to the CO2 your wood-burning hot tub will release with each hot tub session. Hence, it is safe to state that compared to electric hot tubs, wood-burning hot tubs are more eco-friendly.

As per users of hot tubs, the heat generated by a wood-burning hot tub is superior compared to the heat generated by electric hot tubs. Electric hot tubs suddenly heat up the water that doesn’t instigate the rustic feeling one is after. Wood burning hot tubs, on the other hand, offer users a steady influx of warmth that resembles the primordial rhythms of the natural world. This is the reason why people who have a habit of taking a dip in hot tubs, are replacing their electric hot tubs with wood-burning hot tubs.

Apart from the facts mentioned above, there is another strong reason why people prefer wood-fired hot tubs here in the UK. These are perfect for people who want to rejuvenate their skin. Warm baths taken in a hot tub opens up the pores on your skin. This allows for the easy removal of toxins from your skin. In simple words, you can get the benefits of a sauna when you subject your body to regular baths taken on a wood-fired hot tub.