5 Easy and Affordable Ways to Transform Your Garden Shed

Garden Shed

Sheds are an extremely useful addition to any garden, especially if you need space to store tools or any type of gardening equipment. However, it is not unusual for them to end up being used as a dumping ground and becoming neglected and weather-beaten. Leaving your garden shed to become dilapidated can have a real negative impact on the look and feel of your garden.

So, why not put a little time and effort into making it one of your garden’s star attractions? Sheds are in most cases a large and permanent feature that can offer a number of benefits to any garden. So, keeping it in good condition is definitely worthwhile. Improving the look and usability of your garden shed doesn’t have to cost a fortune; a few minor improvements and a lick of paint can make all the difference. Here are five easy ways to transform the look of your shed – without breaking the bank …

Clear it Out

The first thing to do is to sort out your shed, whether by rearranging tools or removing the things you have no use for. Almost immediately, that will make your shed seem a much bigger and more usable space.

If you are intent on using your garden shed as extra storage, group things together based on how often you use them. For example, make items you use regularly easily accessible. Items used only occasionally can be stored at the rear of the shed. By doing this, you will avoid having to search for things … and needlessly cluttering your shed as you do so.

Organise It

Before putting everything back into your shed, why not install some storage? By getting things like garden implements off the floor and onto walls using shelves and hooks, you can significantly increase usable floor space.

Old cupboards and chests of drawers often provide good amounts of useful storage. They can also double up as workbenches for any jobs you want to do. Finally, try and make sure you tie up things that are likely to fall over, such as canes and long tools like rakes and brooms.

Paint It

One way of improving the look of your shed is with a coat of paint. However, as wood has a tendency to swell when absorbing water, it is likely to warp and weaken the structure. So, when painting your shed, it is advisable to use a specialist barn and shed paint.

Barn paint, or shed paint, as it is also known, is suitable for use on both wooden and metal structures. Barn and shed paint is tough and durable, making it extremely resistant to both adverse weather conditions and everyday wear and tear.

Barn and shed paint is available in a range of colours, so not only will it make your shed a stronger and longer-lasting structure, it will also help to improve its looks. If you want to take it one step further, you can paint benches and fences in the same colour to give your garden an attractive, uniform look.

Decorate Your Shed

Sheds are not just functional, they can be turned into a highlight of any outside space. You can make it your own by decorating it and adding some personal touches. Things like adding a trellis at the side of it that can be used to grow a climbing plant.

Pots, when placed outside, not only look attractive, but release fragrances when people are near. If you want to take it one step further, you can add soft furnishings like curtains, making the structure look less like a shed and more like a summer house. Little decorative additions will help turn your shed from a boring wooden box into a striking garden feature.

Secure It

Once you have done all this work, it is important to ensure that your shed is secure. Do regular checks for loose boards and roofing felt and repair them if necessary. By keeping on top of repairs, you will extend the lifespan of your shed significantly.

Also, buying a cheap lock is a false economy. Remember, it will cost a lot more to replace your tools than to buy a good quality lock.

Good Luck – and Happy Renovating!

No matter how you decide to smarten up your garden shed, we wish you the very best of luck with your efforts. We think you’ll agree, with a little effort and DIY-know how, even the most run-down garden shed can gain a new lease of life.